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作者:Sushchenko, A.A.^1^2, Lyu, E.R.^2, Kan, V.A.^1^2

关键词:Acoustic signals;Direct problems;...

会议举办机构:Institute of Applied Mathematics FEB RAS, Radio Street, 7, Vladivostok


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作者:Sushchenko, A.A.^1^2, Vornovskikh, P.A.^2, Kan, V.A.^1^2

关键词:Effective algorithms;Numerical experiments;...

会议举办机构:Institute of Applied Mathematics FEB RAS, 7, Radio Street, Vladivostok


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作者:Anisimov, L.A.^1, Perfilov, V.A.^1

关键词:Artificial reefs;Drill cuttings;...

会议举办机构:Volgograd State Technical University, Lenin avenue 28, Volgograd


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